ZedTuX 0n R00t

Je travaille pour la plus grand entreprise du monde: L'open source.

Linus Torvalds on Open Source Code

Docker image nginx-proxy

Description I have build a Docker image nginx-proxy which implement an Nginx revert proxy to your server. Instead of configuring couple of times Nginx in the different images you have, why not do...

OSX ssh-copy-id

In the case you’re using OSX and you would like to use the ssh-copy-id command in order to import your SSH key to a server (which avoid the server to ask your user password), then you can install i...

Groupe de Métal : Deficiency

Je suis allé le week-end dernier à un évènement ici au Luxembourg qui incluant le concert d’un group de métal. J’y suis aller sans grande attentes mais j’ai vraiment été agréablement surpris par ...

Metal band : Deficiency

The last week-end I was in an event including a concert of metal music. I went there without big expectation but I have been really really well surprised by the band ! They succeed in giving goo...

Blog running on Docker !

Finally I have started to migrate my services on Docker ! :-)

Sublime Text and RubyTest running in a Docker container managed by Fig

Presentation Docker is a well known application which ease the creation of Linux containers. Fig is a docker orchestration tool which helps you (a lot) in the management of containers. Use case ...

Docker could be a good reason to move to Linux

Docker is an amazing peace of software which is really popular, with a growing community. Docker uses a feature from the Linux kernel in order to isolate a complete environment and this is an issu...

Effacer toutes les images Docker

Parfois, après avoir fais plein d’essaies vous vous retrouvez avec un tas d’images inutile prennant de la place sur votre disque. Pour faire un nettoyage de docker exécutez ces deux commandes: 1 ...

Effacer les doublons dans une table PostgreSQL

Effacer les doublons dans une table n’est pas une tâche très souvent faite, ce qui fait que l’on oublie facilement (du moins, c’est mon cas). Cet article est juste un moyen de me le rappeler :-) ...